Poker Potjie Software - Free Online Poker Game, Software and Strategy Guide

Online Poker, Free Poker Game Rules & Strategy, Free Poker Software, Internet Poker Hands, Bonus, Poker How To for Texas Hold Em Poker

History Of Poker: China to Texas Hold’em

Ancient Origins of Poker
The history of poker is an interesting matter for study, and a question for debate among card game historians. Over the last thousand years poker has evolved from numerous different games which incorporated such poker specific aspects as card rankings, bluffing your opponents, and betting. Legend has it that the card [...]

Brick and Mortar

Poker Help: Brick and Mortar
Poker slang for a real physical location for a poker game. It normally refers to a casino or cardroom that has standard poker amenities like tables, dealers, poker chip centers etc. This is different than an online poker room on a poker website.

The Bubble

Poker Help: The Bubble
The bubble is a specific point in poker games, particularly hold em poker games, where the card game has become stagnated, and a player needs to bust out so that his poker chips can enter the pot and the other players can win some money. The “bursting the bubble” is a strategically [...]

Bottom Pair

Poker Help: Bottom Pair
This is basic poker terminology for having the lowest card that turns up on the flop in your poker hand. For example, if you hand consisted of a King and a 5, and the flop came up, Queen, 10, 5, you would have the bottom pair. In Hold em poker this can [...]

The Button

Poker Help: The Button
The button is an essential tool for any poker table. It is a small, generally white, acrylic disk which indicates which poker player is the dealer. On a standard poker table the person who has the button in front of them is the player who has to deal the cards. During [...]

Poker Shark

Poker Help: Poker Shark
A poker shark is a smooth, aggressive, intelligent, shrewd, and ruthless poker player who dominates the game, and takes the chips of the other players, the “fishes”. He often ‘baits’ the other players into making moves which play directly into his superior poker strategy. A poker shark knows when to play [...]

Uber Donk

Poker Help: Uber Donk
An Uber Donk is an extreme form of the poker slang donk. It is used for somebody who is playing very very poorly. You are an uber donk if you can’t execute anything close to intelligent poker strategy.


Poker Help: Donk
Donk is shortened poker slang for donkey. It is generally used as a noun to complain about poor poker play. For example I’m playing like such a donk right now.


Poker Help: Donkey
A poker term for an extraordinarily bad card player. Somebody who makes extremely bad or thick headed poker plays. Often times a donkey is the player at the card table with the shortest stack.
General Behaviors of a donkey
There are different levels of donks. The following are common “strategies” of donks.

Only looking at their [...]


Poker Help: Crack
A poker slang term for breaking or “cracking through” a tough hand. You would most likely hear this term at poker tables when a relatively strong poker hand, like pocket Kings, is broken.

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Free Poker Software

Free Online Poker Game Rules & Strategy Guide

This is a poker site dedicated to providing free poker game information on online poker rules, poker card strategy and poker hands. Here you will find internet poker strategy, poker tournament strategy, texas hold em poker strategy and other free poker game information.

Also included in this poker wiki is a poker guide for learning how to play poker. The great thing about poker is you can learn poker rules and basics very easily. You'll be playing live poker or online poker (internet poker) in no time! The full name of most online poker games is 'Texas hold em poker!'

Whether you're just looking for an online poker site with free poker games, or an awesome $600 poker bonus, check out our poker site review for the best poker bonus sign up; which is definitely the most profitable strategy for a new poker player learning to play poker.

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