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Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Bot

This is a term which is poker slang for a “robot.” In the online poker world, robots are computer programs that play poker online automatically as if they were a poker player. They play poker without any help from humans. Poker robots are considered illegal by most online poker website, and their presence should be reported to the web site manager when encountered.

It is hard to determine if someone is really a bot. A lot of poker players play on many poker tables at once and have their poker chat window switched off. So its not reasonable to assume someone is a bot just because they play a certain way, and they don’t respond when you speak to them.
One semi reasonable way to determine if a poker player is really a bot is if you either find their weakness and exploit them over and over again until you have taken all of their money. (and in that case you probably wouldn’t want to report them :)
And ofcourse the most reliable way is if they play for periods of time that are not humanly possible… for days on end. But then again, they might be korean gamers.

Poker bots are highly controversial

Poker sites tell their customers that they don’t allow poker bots and they have these big “secret” teams that monitor for poker bots in order to comfort the poker players who are nervous about poker bots.
However a lot of experienced poker players are seen commenting on articles about poker bots that they would gladly play against a poker bot.

A poker bot is really playing a poker strategy designed by a human being. Even considering that makes them less scary. Then the fact that 99% of poker bots will be very monotonous in their poker strategy and behavior. And rest assured even if you do encounter a poker bot, the chance that they will be able to learn from their mistakes and actually understand whats going on is one in a billion.
Artificial Intelligence is simply not that far advanced. If it was we would just speak to our computers and tell them what to do instead of hacking away for hours at technical things.

Personally, I’m no more concerned about meeting a poker bot than any other new poker player online, actually I’m less concerned because players can learn, have intelligence and the ability to understand new things… bots don’t.

Bad Beat

Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Bad Beat

Bad beat is a poker term for an extremely lucky and improbable win by a hand which should not have been in the pot in the first place. It happens when a hand which is a huge underdog beats a hand that had a much greater chance of winning the pot by the most unbelievable luck. There are countless examples of bad beats, and you will see them all the time as you continue to play online poker. If you encounter a bad beat just know that it might be a lucky card draw, but that statistically over time good players will prevail, especially if you consistently execute intelligent poker strategy. Read over our poker tips, poker strategy’s, and poker help sections to make sure that bad beats happen to you as little as possible.

Draw Dead

Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Draw Dead

Quite possibly the worst possible position that one can be in during a poker game. Drawing dead is attempting to a make a hand which, even if you get the right card to complete, you will not win the pot because an opponent already has a better hand. For example, if you are trying to draw into a straight, but your opponent has already drawn a flush, you are “drawing dead” because no matter what you do you cannot win the hand. Needless to say, you don’t ever want to be in this position in a game of poker, especially online poker. If you find yourself in a position where you are drawing dead, make sure not to be suckered into betting more money, and losing more chips.


Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Muck

Muck is a term for the pile of burned playing cards which sits in front of the dealer. In standard poker games once the muck pile reaches a critical mass the cards are re-shuffled and dealt anew. This word can be used as a verb or a noun. For example: “She mucked her hand.”


Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Leak

A leak is a weakness in your poker game, or a consistent problem with your poker strategy. Especially in online poker having a leak can really hurt your chip count. Good examples of leaks would be betting too heavily on inside straight draws, or playing extremely aggressively when one gets a pocket pair. You should work to repair any leaks in your game, they can cost you valuable chips.

Finding Leaks in your poker game

You can find leaks in your poker game skills by going through your hand histories after a session and rethinking the poker hand, from beginning to end, to decide if you really made the right decisions. It helps to have an experienced poker player mentor you can talk to and ask for tips.

A good place to start when looking at your poker hand histories is to look at the ‘biggest poker hands’, meaning the hands you lost the most, and the hands you won the most. Bad decisions cost money, and sometimes bad decisions make you a lot of money when you get lucky, so never assume what you won or lost in one hand was because of your skill, or because you were unlucky.

You can always improve on your poker game by learning from your mistakes, and you always learn something when you go through your poker hand histories. I highly recommend it!


Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Jam

Jam is a term for an extremely aggressive move in poker. It happens when a player moves all in, puts all of his chips into the poker pot, in a no-limit game. It is clearly a risky maneuver because of the possibility that you could be knocked out of the poker game if you lose the hand.

Fishy Play

Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help:Fishy Play

A term for players who are playing extraordinarily loose and generally executing a very poor poker strategy. In online poker rooms these are generally poker rookies or people who just don’t understand the game very well. The term fishy player is usually used for a poker player, whos not quite as bad as a ‘pure fish’ or a ‘pure donk’ :)

These card players are normally losing their poker chips to more experienced players at an extraordinary rate. Make sure that you aren’t playing in a fishy manner. Instead prepare yourself by reading our poker glossary, poker tips, poker help, and poker strategy sections. Also, the best way you can increase your earnings is to analyze poker hands and situations and learn from them by downloading our free online poker strategy software, Poker Potjie.


Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Fish

A fish is a poker term for a poor card player who executes bad poker strategy and gives their money away. Generally, it is a bad idea to upset poor players because of the high likelihood that they will leave the game (meaning you can’t get any more of their money). This is a generally accepted practice in poker rooms, particularly online poker rooms, around the word. It is from this idea where the common poker phrase “Don’t tap on the aquarium,” implying don’t scare away the “fish,” comes from.

Finding Nemo (Finding the fish at your poker table)

Theres a well known saying in poker “If you’ve been sitting at a poker table for 30 minutes and have not figured out who the fish is yet, its you”
Some swear by this saying. I’ll reserve comment on that. As long as you’re at least breaking even, and you’re learning, I say well done, you can only improve.


Posted on | September 19, 2008 | No Comments

Poker Help: Maniac

A maniac is a poker player who is implements an extremely aggressive poker strategy, raising, betting and bluffing at whim. A poker player can be a maniac in varying degrees; however, at the extreme, a so called true manic, is a card player who is no longer playing poker, but rather gambling haphazardly. If you act like a maniac occasionally, it can confuse your opponents grasp on your poker strategy, and give you the upper hand at the poker table. But if you act like a maniac all the time, you are just throwing your hard earned poker chips away. However, a better strategy would be to use pokerpotjie, our free poker game calculator.

How Not to Get Kicked out of an Online Poker Room: Online Poker Etiquette and Poker Tips

Posted on | September 15, 2008 | No Comments

People act differently in online poker rooms they would at a poker table.  The anonymity of internet poker tables, and the fact that people are more comfortable writing than speaking, leads people to act in ways they would never act in the “real”  world.  Online poker is often the scene of conduct you won’t find inside a normal poker room. Playing poker from the safety of home, insulated from being seen by the other poker players by observation by a computer screen and hiding behind a online poker name, online poker players may think they can say and do anything without facing consequences.  But obscurity does not excuse bad behavior, and if you stray outside the bounds of decent conduct you might find yourself getting kicked out of your favorite online poker room.
There are a lot of ways you can get in trouble while playing online poker. What follows are the most common and egregious actions made by online poker players.

Profane and Obscene Language

Most online poker sites have software built into their card games that monitors and removes the most common explicative’s from  table conversation..  That’s why after a hotly contested hand it’s not unusual to read something like  “Why the XXXX did you play K-2 you piece of XXXX?”  However, frustrated card players normally want to convey more than just their frustration; they want to tell their card opponents exactly what they think about their card play. In order for card player to convey what they feel, they have come up with creative spellings and combinations that can get past the poker sites screening software.  While it does not take much creativity  to replace  “f”  with  “ph”  and  “que”  for  “ck,”  you will see many creative spellings which would’ve impressed Toni Morrisson.   However, these actions won’t  make a good impression on the management of most poker sites  -  if other players complain about your language you’re likely to receive a stern warning, which if it doesn’t work, could you could see your chat privileges revoked.  If you can’t control your comments, it is possible that you have your poker chat privileges revoked. In very extreme cases you could find that the poker site’s management could terminate your online poker account revoked.

Abusive Comments

One lesson taught in just every poker lesson is that good poker players make fewer mistakes than bad card players; why good card players win more money (a good reason you should take back the advantage from the more experienced card players by using pokerpotjie).  What is it then that causes card players who have suffered a loss to start insulting the card player who made a better play? There are three problems associated with abusive comments: It makes the atmosphere around the online poker table negative; the insults might chase the other card player away, meaning that you won’t be able to win your money back, something that you should be able to do if you have superior poker strategy; or you could possibly encourage the bad poker player to work harder and execute a better poker strategy, the opposite effect of what you really want (his money!!!). 

While it might feel easier to insult a computerized acronym about their poor poker strategy than an actual card player sitting across a poker table,  it is still not acceptable behavior. Online poker rooms will not respond kindly to players who insult and abuse fellow  card players, chase away potential clients, and make the multiplayer poker experience a negative one.  If other players keep on complaining about your actions, you might never get to demonstrate your superior poker strategy and skill again-well not on that particular poker site. A much better playing strategy would be to follow the old adage “don’t get angry, get even.” Instead of abusing your fellow card players, use pokerpotjie, improve your poker strategy, and make more money.

Commenting on the Poker Hand Being Played

Once you have folded your playing cards you do not have a right to be involved for the rest of the hand. Talking to an opponent who is has also folded is one thing, but talking smack to players still involved in the hand is quite another. Comments giving other players tips such as “that’s a bluff” after an opponent checks or raises or “there is no way that he just drew the inside straight, you need to stay in” after the river card has turned over is one way to anger your opponents.  Intervening with your comments during a hand in which you are not involved is  one of the most egregious breaches of poker etiquette one can make. If you constantly act in a negative manner other players could complain to online poker sites managements and you could receive a reprimand or worse.

Revealing too Much About Your Hand

Conversely,  talking  too much about your own card  hand can get you in trouble with poker players and management.  At most card tables there is a rule in place that if a player reveals all their cards during a hand, than there cards are dead. With online poker sites there isn’t the same ability to see whether you have been revealing you cards immediately. However, if one of your opponents reports you management might review your hand and chat log, possibly resulting in the website sanctioning you.

Asking for “Free” Chips

In online poker rooms we call them railbirds:  Poker players who haven’t been doing so hot waiting to ask a winning player for a bit of their stack. It doesn’t occur very often, but occasionally in multiplayer poker rooms players will chat up the chip leader asking them for some chips so they can get back in the game. Most poker players don’t like getting asked for money by people they don’t know, much less have never seen. I is extremely rude and looked down upon to request poker chips, even if it is just a loan, from fellow card players.

International Poker Players

Poker has becoInme one of the most popular games all over the world. Some of the best players on the world series of poker don’t’ come from the United States. Some of the most popular online poker rooms are based off the north American continent in Asia or Europe. It is common to sit down at an online poker table with players from Germany, Mexico, or Hong Kong. Even though online poker sites welcome players from around the world, it is impossible to expect them to be able to speak every language.  Consequently, most tables have rules that only English can be spoken to avoid the appearance of cheating or collusion during the poker game

Cheating at Poker

The most contentious aspect of online poker is the potential for cheating or collusion among two or more players playing at the table. Perhaps they could be physically sitting in the same room talking back and forth using instant message software to give each other tips, strategies in order to cheat the system. Cheats don’t find it hard to sit down at the same online poker table and work together to collude against their opponents. It is more difficult at a live poker table for players to collude because the other players and card room employees are watching for gestures or movements which could convey information. 

For online poker sites the same actions are impossible, but they do have other ways to check whether players are cheating. Online poker rooms can look at hands and see the cards that players are holding and how they were played. From this information they can conclude whether something unseemly took place. A web site does not have to meet a burden of proof for cheaters. If they believe that a player is cheating, they can terminate the poker players account immediately.
The best way that players can keep cheating out of online  poker rooms is through opponent policing. It is important that poker players report abuse when cheating occurs. There are simply too many virtual poker tables and hands dealt  for internet casinos to police it all. If you think that one of your opponents might be cheating, whether you can tell by what he has been saying or doing, you have the right to bring the cheating behavior to the attention of management. It is impossible for people to enjoy the great game of poker if players are trying to circumvent the rules and cheat the system. For all of us to enjoy this great activity it is important that we unite in online poker rooms against cheating. Finally, instead of feeling you need to cheat at poker in order to get ahead, you should just use our online free online poker tool pokerpotjie, it will give you the legal edge to win with confidence and honesty.

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Free Online Poker Game Rules & Strategy Guide

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